1 Add TOC

1.1 title1

1.1.1 title 1.1

1.2 title2

1.2.1 title 2.1 title 2.1.1

code for toc and titles is in plain markdown:


title: Configuring blog test
author: tc
date: '2017-07-26'
slug: configuring-blog-test
  - trivial
  - blogdown
    toc: true

markdown style title:

## title1

### title 1.1

## title2

### title 2.1

#### title 2.1.1

2 enable disqus

Following this PR

  • Well, it seems that editing things in the /themes/hugo-xmin/exampleSite/ doesn’t work

  • ok i find it, config.toml is in the home dir /blogsite/config.toml

  • edited config.toml and layouts/partials/foot_custom.html as in PR:

We were unable to load Disqus. If you are a moderator please see our troubleshooting guide.

  • follow the troubleshooting guide: - add netlify.com in the trusted domain doesn’t work
    - double check shortname: correct in config.toml
    - “recent webhost or domain name change”? no.
    - “timeout” : unclear
    - HTTP status error: unclear
    - non-ASCII characters: not any
    - incorrectly formatted javascript variables: unclear, used _internal

2.1 update 2018-07-24 12:43:46

It is somehow working, but I don’t know why because of limited knowledge in the hugo frame work (and overall website setups)

  • Here is what I’ve tried, one of them might work:
    • add “rbind.io” in trusted domain in disqus
    • use HUGO_VERSION 0.25.1 in netlify deploying specification (previous: 0.24.1 and local:0.20.1 seems to be outdated)
    • strictly follow this PR

Next step is to make blogtest2 working, which is here

2.2 update 2018-07-24 12:43:46

playing with the testblog

Here is what I found:

two disqus names: a. tcblogsitetest
a. tc_testit

two blogsites: 1. http://testtc.netlify.com/ 1. http://tc.rbind.io/

test: - a + 1, a + 2, working - b + 1, b + 2, notworking - settings of a,b: besides shortname, there is no difference: they set netlify.com and rbind.io to trusted domain in advanced search.

A preliminary conclusion is that problem is in disqus set up, not hugo (or blogdown).

2.3 update 2018-07-24 12:43:46 Finally!!!

It is working for both disqus shortnames, great.